Masterclasses / Workshops / Videos

Richard frequently presents masterclasses and workshops throughout the world for everyone from talented teens to conservatory students and advanced professionals. He is best known for his diagnostic skills, his lightening speed and his tremendous sense of humor to get amazing results in a short period time. Please read his testimonials to find out why Richard is one of the most sought-after voice performance teachers of our time. Below are some sample videos of Richard at work.

Workshops can be anywhere from 2 to 5 days in duration. They most often include a combination of public, group masterclasses and private lessons with workshop participants. Topics covered include vocal pedagogy, applied vocal technique, performance coaching and audition techniques.

Please contact Richard to discuss the schedule and fees for your organization’s workshop!


Video Trailer

Masterclass Session with
Jonathan Root

Masterclass Session with
Elizabeth McKendry

Masterclass Session with
Dylan Riley Snyder

Free New York Masterclass

Richard also teaches free, public masterclasses in New York City at least once each year. Keep checking in with the website home page for the next, FREE NEW YORK MASTERCLASS!