Supporting Your Voice and your Success
Richard regularly works with singers who require vocal technique rehabilitation after a diagnosed voice disorder has been resolved by medical professionals. Because Richard is neither a medical doctor nor a speech-language pathologist, he cannot diagnose voice issues or rehabilitate a voice prior to medical intervention.
Singing voices that require technique rehabilitation must first be evaluated by a laryngologist (a medical doctor specializing in the larynx) and a voice pathologist (a speech-language pathologist who has specialized training in rehabilitation of the speaking voice).

If you have completed medical intervention and have been given permission to sing by your medical doctor, you may begin singing voice rehabilitation with Richard. Private sessions are 75 minutes in duration and will include a comprehensive review of the singer's long- and short-term singing and medical history. The fee is $195.00, which is payable using Venmo (@richard-lissemore) or Zelle (richard@richardlissemore.com).
To schedule a technique rehabilitation session with Richard, please send an email to richard@richardlissemore.com.